About us
About Us
About the Trust
Grant Dispersals
In the Spring of each year the Trustees meet to agree dispersals. The typical grant is between £5,000 to £10,000 up to a maximum of £20,000.
Charity Registration
The Simon Gibson Charitable Trust is registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (Registration No. 269501).
Our Story
Simon Gibson's Philanthropic Journey
A humble philanthropist, Simon made it his life’s work to improve the livelihoods of those less fortunate than himself; in recognition of his charitable work, Simon was made a CBE. He died in 2022 at the age of 94, and with no children of his own he has left the majority of his fortune to the Simon Gibson Charitable Trust.

Apply for Funding
If you meet the Trusts eligibility criteria we would be pleased to hear from you. Please note that only applications submitted between 1st January and 31st March each year will be considered. Please complete our online application form here.
Frequently Asked Questions
You will be contacted directly by 31st July of that year. If you have not heard by that time, you should assume that your application has been unsuccessful.
Unfortunately, due to the high volume of applications, we are only able to respond to those we will be funding. We cannot give detailed feedback to those who are unsuccessful.
Please keep your application relevant and succinct, following the word count guide shown in the application form where stated. Please ensure all sections are completed.
The Trustees meet in Spring of each year to review all applications. Those that are successful are subsequently contacted for bank details. Further information may be required for ID purposes on occasion. Please ensure you inform us of any change in contact details after the application has been submitted.
We reserve the right to ask for references or speak to other funders about your organisation.
If we have any specific reporting requirements relating to your organisation we will ask you directly, otherwise there are no reporting requirements.